Thoughts on the upcoming Ouishare Fest & The Art of Co

Initially I have come to visit the sustainability transition community El Molino to experience how this community sees itself contributing to a systemic change towards living and sharing a more sustainable way of living. What turned out to be an incredibly rich personal experience made me part of a group of people who together created the vision of The Art of Collaboration Week 2016:

This one-week event invites people to participate in a process of co-creation and co-learning in San Sebastian, Spain in June 2016.

I am doing this work voluntary because I feel a strong honesty, transparency and good principles among the core organising team, same as I do among the people behind the Ouishare Fest 2016 that I am volunteering for as well.

I feel very positive and excited about this year that will feature these two events. Here are three points why I think that The Art of Co is worth looking at:

  • It puts strong emphasis on the tools and methodologies that promote collaboration and sharing
  • It links different tribes and communities from the alternative economy and society
  • It is a maturing infant that needs a lot of attention from creative grown ups that want to contribute to the fruitful development into adolesence.

If these thoughts caught your attention and interest, then join


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